DIY Kansas City Garage Door Insulation

As winter sets in, the benefits of an insulated garage door become very apparent. You can save big money on utility bills by keeping cold air out of your garage and, by extension, your home.

Of course, the easiest way to upgrade to an insulated garage door is to have the experts at Team Taylor install a new door. We have an array of options from multiple brands and can help you choose the exact right fit for your home. But that may not be in the budget for everyone or the correct decision even if it is. If you’re handy and up for a project, you may be able to reduce your heating bill this winter by insulating your garage door yourself.

Energy efficiency is probably the most important benefit of having an insulated garage door. But you can also realize the benefits of noise reduction, door durability, and protection of your belongings from extreme temperatures.

Common Types of Garage Door Insulation

Foam board. Great insulation properties for such a slim, space-saving product. Commonly made from polystyrene, this is a more rigid insulation option but can be a cost-effective option for whole-garage insulation.
Batt. Flexible, fiberglass insulation. Typically backed by either paper or foil, this common insulation type is a proven air barrier.
Reflective. A great option for insulating a garage door to protect against heat. With a highly reflective aluminum outer, this insulation very effectively reflects radiant heat.

Everything You Need To Do the Job Right

You likely have most of the materials you’ll need to insulate your Kansas City garage door on hand. Grab these supplies:

• Pen or pencil
• Tape measurer
• Utility knife
• Gloves
• Safety glasses or goggles
• Face mask
• Insulation clips or composite fasteners
• Insulation

5 Steps to Easily Insulate Your Garage Door

This is a realistic DIY project for many homeowners. As you can see from the tools required, the job might even be considered beginner-level by many.

Measure and mark. First, with the door lowered and working from the inside of your garage, measure 1 foot in from each side of each door panel at the vertically centered point. Mark your spots to plan for the location of the clips or fasteners.
Install clips. At each point you’ve marked, you’ll put a piece of double-sided tape. Remove the tape’s backing and then affix a retainer clip to the sticky surface.
Cut insulation pieces. Measure the height and width of each garage door panel. Don’t assume they’re all the same. Wearing gloves, eye protection, and a mask, cut a piece of insulation that is 1 to 2 inches longer than each panel.
Install insulation. Tuck each piece of insulation into its corresponding door panel section with the backing side facing outward.
Secure clips. Next, feeling with your hands, locate each retention clip. Cut a small slit large enough to expose the clip. Next, attach the front pieces of the clip to the back pieces so that you’re now holding your insulation sections in place.

When in Doubt, Call the Pros

Whether you do it yourself or have an already-insulated door installed, it does pay to insulate your garage door. You’ll keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, saving on your bills while you do it.

For expert installation of garage doors of all varieties, contact the trusted professionals at Team Taylor Doors.

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