It’s that time of the year again when you must prepare your garage door for winter. The leaves are falling from the trees, the air is getting colder and you’re starting to see snowflakes in the sky. If you want your garage door to survive winter intact, it’s important to prepare for what Mother Nature might throw at it. Here are some tips on how to get your garage door ready for winter!
How to Prepare Your Garage Door for Winter
Although your garage door may be well insulated, it’s still important to prepare it for the colder weather. Here are some tips to get ready:
Inspect and Clean Your Garage Door Tracks
If your tracks aren’t already clean of debris, now is a good time to vacuum them out. In addition, check that nothing obstructs their path, such as tree branches or toys. Don’t forget to clean your door’s rubber seals too!
Clean Your Garage Door Opener
Dust and rust can accumulate on the gears of a garage door opener over time, which slows down its operation. Take some time to thoroughly clean it with an abrasive cleaner, like Brillo pads.
Keep a Shovel by Your Garage Door
In case of emergencies, always be ready. Keeping a shovel nearby so that you can clear snow and ice from the tracks of your garage door is essential. Additionally, don’t forget to keep a pair of ice-scrapers, along with some WD-40 for your garage door’s tracks.
Clear Garbage Can Lid Covers
Those plastic lids that go over the top of your garbage can protect it from the rain but they also trap moisture in during the winter. Be sure to remove those plastic lids and store them inside your house.
What to Avoid
Don’t Apply Grease or Wax
During the winter, keep your garage door’s rollers and hinges away from lubricants and wax. If these items contact water, they could become slippery. This is important because lubricants and wax can attract moisture which leads to rusting. So make sure to clean off any of these substances.
Do not Use Exterior Home Cleaners
If the exterior of your house is visible it can be tempting to try and get some cleaning done there before winter comes along. When using products that require you to rinse off afterward, do not spray any water on the internal hardware of your garage door; this may cause rusting if moisture forms in the mechanical areas of your door. Instead, use an all-purpose cleaner to wipe down your garage door.
A Must for Insulated Garage Doors
Insulated garage doors are become more popular in recent years because they help save energy and reduce heating bills. However improperly trying to insulate your existing garage door can make it more susceptible to damage if not done correctly— especially during the colder months. During these times, make sure to apply new sealants around the perimeter of the garage door and any other areas that you feel are in danger of letting moisture, bugs, and debris in.
Do Your Research
Before winter sets in, get acquainted with your local weather forecast. When you know what to expect from Mother Nature it will be easier for you to prepare accordingly. It’s important to know if you are prone to snow or rain so that you can prepare accordingly.
Before any storm hits, make sure to contact a garage door service company in your area and schedule regular maintenance checks. This will ensure that everything is working properly during the winter months.
Let the Experts Help You Prepare Your Garage Door for Winter
Now that you know the best ways to prepare your garage door for winter, will you take measures now or wait until it’s too late? We can help! Contact Team Taylor Doors today and let us make sure your home is ready.